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Copyright law protects a wide variety of original creative works of authorship, including literary works, musical compositions, sound recordings, architectural works, sculptural works, visual arts, photographs, dramatic works, motion pictures and software. Copyright protected works can be some of the most valuable intellectual property of individuals, companies and nonprofit organizations. 

Best & Flanagan’s Intellectual Property team understands the creative process, and the business and often personal concerns that are intertwined with creative works. Our clients include creative agencies, software developers, digital marketers, Web entrepreneurs, designers, musicians, artists, writers, architects and other organizations whose business involves creative works. It also includes those who hire creatives for projects such as websites, advertising, programming and content development.

We work closely with our clients to identify, inventory, register and protect these works, and ensure that they are used properly, through licensing and other use agreements. We are regularly called upon to counsel our clients on such issues as:


  • Agreements Pertaining to Developers and Creatives
  • Copyright Enforcement and Infringement Actions
  • Copyright Litigation
  • Copyright Notices and Usage Guidelines
  • Copyright Ownership, Organization and Analysis of the Creative Process 
  • Copyright Registration and Protection for particular works
  • e-Book and Alternative Distribution Channels
  • Implementing Organizational Policies on Copyright Authorship and Ownership
  • Licensing Agreements
  • Transaction Structures that Protect Copyright Ownership
  • Valuation and Transfers
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