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If you are not already a client, please do not provide us with any information relating to your legal matter(s) without first speaking to one of our lawyers, as any information provided before we confirm that we are willing and able to consult with you about becoming a client, may not be privileged, confidential, or protected information, and could be used against you if we represent a party adverse to you.

Many of our clients own family or closely-held businesses. Our attorneys advise on the legal structure of these business investments with an eye toward tax mitigation and succession planning. We prepare agreements to control the management and disposition of commercial interests. Maximizing the value of our clients’ holdings for their heirs is one of the most important aspects of our Private Wealth Planning practice.

Our expertise in this area includes business restructuring that places owners and families in the most tax advantaged position. This can also include the creation of partnerships, irrevocable trusts and shareholder agreements. We are well versed in identifying and averting potential estate-related problems that can occur in the day-to-day commercial transactions throughout the lifetime of a business.

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