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David SchelzelDavid Schelzel
David G. Schelzel
60 South Sixth Street
Suite 2700
Minneapolis, MN 55402
P 612.341.9719
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I listen carefully to my clients. I try to equip them with knowledge and insight to make the best decisions that line up with their values and goals.

David Schelzel helps clients understand, protect and use their intellectual property to further their values and objectives. He works regularly on significant branding projects, and maintains and protects hundreds of trademark portfolios in a wide variety of areas and industries. He is deeply involved in transactions involving books, music, art, design, film, photography, software, technology and the Web, and represents a diverse set of clients in the nonprofit, creative and startup space. David works closely with a number of famous individuals to protect their copyright, privacy and publicity rights, and their related businesses, nonprofits, charities and foundations. He is also the City Attorney for the City of Wayzata, MN.

  • Helped establish and structure several nonprofit organizations to steward intellectual property assets of significant authors, teachers and thinkers.
  • Represented world-renowned MN musician in intellectual property and business matters, and in protecting trademarks, copyrights and rights of privacy and publicity.
  • Represented several New York Times best-selling authors in publishing transactions, content protection and licensing, and business deals.
  • Helped several large companies and charitable organizations through the process of name changes and rebranding.
  • Regularly manages trademark portfolios of long-standing clients through the process of clearance, registration, maintenance, and policing, including a number of prominent and famous brands.
  • Represented acclaimed music producers, composers and performers in recording, management, band, publishing and distribution agreements.
  • Represented several branding, strategy, commercial music and advertising agencies in organizing and operating their business.
  • Serves as City Attorney for Minnesota’s most idyllic, lakeside, small town—Wayzata, MN.
Related Practices
University of Minnesota, 2002, J.D., cum laude

Minnesota Intellectual Property Review

Pennsylvania State University, 1992, B.A., academic honors
State of Minnesota
Firm News
Professional Associations
  • International Trademark Association
  • American Intellectual Property Law Association
  • American Bar Association
  • Minnesota State Bar Association
David's Team
P 612.843.5834
P 612.843.5838
P 612.843.5856
P 612.341.9726
P 612.349.5692
P 612.349.5646
P 612.341.9706
P 612.341.9707