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If you are not already a client, please do not provide us with any information relating to your legal matter(s) without first speaking to one of our lawyers, as any information provided before we confirm that we are willing and able to consult with you about becoming a client, may not be privileged, confidential, or protected information, and could be used against you if we represent a party adverse to you.
June 13, 2024
Nine Best & Flanagan Attorneys Recognized as North Star Lawyers

Best & Flanagan is pleased to announce the recognition of nine attorneys as North Star Lawyers by the Minnesota State Bar Association (MSBA). Members who provide 50 hours or more of pro bono legal services each year are recognized as North Star Lawyers.

In 2023, Best and Flanagan continued to demonstrate a strong commitment to community service and equal access to justice by donating over 1,100 hours of our time and talent to pro bono matters. Our pro bono volunteers supported various organizations, Volunteer Lawyers Network, The Link, Penumbra Theatre Company, Smart North, unPrison Project, Lutheran Social Services Foundation, Avenues for Youth, and others.

For hours volunteered in 2023, the MSBA gives special recognition to the following lawyers:

  • Amy Conners
  • Martha Engel
  • Liz Hartwell
  • Mike Hatting
  • Joe LaFave
  • Olivia Leyrer
  • Dan Nelson
  • Kim Ruckdaschel-Haley
  • Helen Sullivan-Looney

A complete list of the 2023 North Star Lawyers can be found in the May/June 2024 issue of Bench & Bar, or by using this link.

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