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June 5, 2024
Josh Hillger and Jennifer Lammers to Speak at 2024 Probate and Trust Law Section Conference

Minnesota CLE will host the upcoming 2024 Probate and Trust Law Section Conference on June 10 and 11. Josh Hillger and Jennifer Lammers will be presenting at this year’s conference at the St. Paul RiverCentre, which will give attendees opportunities to connect with colleagues on new laws and trends in the industry, and content designed to provide practical analysis, tips and strategies.

On June 10, Josh will lead the session, “What Is a Creditor Claim Anyways? Tips, Traps and Tribulations of Estate and Trust Creditor Claims.” This session will identify examples of typical creditor claims and discuss how to respond, as well as the rights of beneficiaries and other available options in an estate administration.

Jennifer will be participating as a member of the 2024 Large Estates Panel: Planning in Uncertain Economic Times. She will be joined by Lauren Winter Routhier (Stinson LLP) & Edward H. Tully (Lathrop GPM), with Michael P. Sampson (Maslon LLP) as the moderator. This panel will take place on June 11.

For course information or to register for the event, please visit: 2024 Probate and Trust Law Section Conference

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